The Charlton Neighbourhood House was pleased to host a very special ‘living’ story time as part of it’s school holiday activities. Rebecca Cossar introduced some special friends to an enthusiastic group of young people who were able to get to enjoy learning about chickens. In conjunction with the Charlton Library, children were able to collect some fun holiday reading, then come outside and have some snacks and enjoy time catching up with friends. The children were very careful when becoming familiar with handling the young birds and lots of questions were asked about keeping and caring for them.
The activity wasn’t only interesting for children. A number of locals made up the 40 plus people attending keen to get advice and tips on keeping chickens in an urban environment. Council regulations, reference material, coop ideas, food and more were all discussed with several attendees keen to get involved. Storytime is held on the fourth Tuesday of every month at the Charlton Library in Armstrong Street from 10:30 to 11:30 where special local guests lead the children in some fun readings. Parents enjoy the social side of getting together and sharing time together as well.
The Charlton Neighbourhood House is again be proud to be partnering with the Good Things Foundation Australia to celebrate Get On-line Week. An activity being held in Charlton on Wednesday October 18 will have information and tips on what to be conscious of with scams. Several guest presenters will be in attendance including Tim Burnham, local NBN ambassador. As online and phone scams become sadly more prevalent, this is an excellent opportunity to pick up some knowledge on what to look out for when contacted by suspect messages or calls.
The morning will include lots of prizes and giveaways as well as morning tea. With support from The Good Things Foundation this is a totally free event, but note bookings are essential. Visit or call the Charlton Neighbourhood House on 0473 759 456. Limited places available so book early. The Charlton community has rallied to get behind an important initiative lead by the Charlton Forum and Charlton Neighbourhood House. A range of work has been undertaking to beautify areas of the town, with many hours being undertaken mostly by volunteers from the North Central Garden Club, Lions, Flexible Learning Options program students, Beautify Charlton, CWA, OASIS, and civic minded individuals. The High Street concrete garden pots were given a lick of paint and some new plantings to enhance the new coloured tourism surrounds, while existing garden beds were weeded and trimmed back in preparation for spring growth. The Buloke Shire has assisted by donating some materials, waiving tip fees and clearing rubbish away.
The main effort has concentrated around the access lane between the Globe Hotel and commercial building next door. Trimming of non-native plantings, removing rocks and rubble, erecting a new fence, painting and laying of suitable all access walkway toppings. A huge thanks go to local trades people including Darren Mills, who has been co-ordinating the program, Wes Jenkyn, Chris Mathews and Brad Getley for all freely giving their time and expertise for the program. The end result will be a clearly defined access lane between the High Street and Avoca River precinct. A thankyou BBQ concluded the mornings work, and everyone was extremely pleased on what had been accomplished by the group. This will be appreciated by the many visitors expected to our town over the coming months. Contact the Charlton Neighbourhood House if you would like details on how you can get involved with further planned activities, including a public art work proposed in the newly refurbished laneway. |
February 2025