The Charlton Neighbourhood House recently arranged for its residents 2 face to face training courses that had until recently been unable to occur. To satisfy the many enquiries that had been held over from last year when COVID-19 restrictions came into place, a First Aid and CPR refresher was attended by 14 students keen to undertake or renew their certificates in these important areas. Established instructor Dawn Ferrier took the students through the various areas connected with their requirements, and hands on training was completed using specialised CPR toddler and adult mannequins. The use and practice of using an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) was performed successfully by everyone and participants went away secure in the knowledge of being able to help someone who may need emergency medical assistance.
Later that week Greg Currie came to Charlton to deliver the Responsible Service of Alcohol training necccersary to work in licenced premises. A mix of new students and those whose certificate had lapsed learnt about the various levels of alcohol in drinks, legal requirements, checking of ID’s, record keeping and much more. With heavy fines involved for those serving alcohol without a certificate, this course proved valuable for those looking to assist at their local club or seeking employment. Coming soon the House is hosting a Safe Food Handlers Course, 1080 Fox and Rabbit Baiting, Firearms Safety and much more. The March 20 Barista Course is now open for enrolments. While not a Certificate Course, students will get a Participation Certificate detailing the areas covered which may assist with employment. Even if you just love coffee this course is for you. The best part; cost is just $25. The Charlton Neighbourhood House encourages residents to drop in or call 0473759456 to enquire about what is on offer, or to express some activity you would like to have run.
The Charlton Neighbourhood has recently celebrated it’s second birthday serving the community. Looking back over the past 24 months and the numerous courses, activities, grant funding, Community Car trips and social connection delivered pays great tribute to the committee, staff and volunteers involved. Recently concluded courses included a Responsible Service of Alcohol, First Aid & CPR Refresher Course and Barista training. The Charlton Neighbourhood House is also excited to be delivering another Certificate Course on March 30 for Hygienic Food Safety and Handling (SITXFSA001).
Amongst other news is the employment of a new Administration Assistant and Finance Officer, plus the return to 5 days a week opening; hours of operation between 10:00am and 4:00pm. This increases access for our community for car bookings, printing, general enquiries, internet access and much more. An exciting initiative currently underway is our Community Transport Survey. Charlton is asking our residents across all ages their opinions on possible future transport options in the town and across the shire and region. Maybe it’s dedicated bike or walking tracks; maybe a daily bus or taxi service; access to sports training and weekend games; better pathways for wheelchairs and walking aids; lots of options to consider. Anyone who hasn’t filled in a survey are invited to drop in and complete one, or a survey can be sent to you by phoning 0473759456. It is hoped that the results may lead to funding of one or more suggestions that are put forward. More Community Transport Options for Charlton? The Charlton Neighbourhood House has received funding from the Victorian Department of Transport to develop a new integrated community transport model for Charlton and district. This project will look at current community transport options in Charlton, as well as opportunities to grow these in the future to meet the needs of local community members of all ages. According to Charlton Neighbourhood House President, Kaylene Cossar, the Charlton Community Car provides an invaluable service to elderly members of the local community supporting them to attend out-of-town specialist medical appointments. “We know we could be doing more to meet not only the needs of our elderly residents, but residents of all ages who, for many reasons, do not have access to transport of their own,” she said. “Working with us on this project are Julie Slater and Ellen White who both have a strong knowledge of the community transport sector, as well as backgrounds in community development,” said Ms Cossar. “They will be undertaking a broad community consultation process over the next few weeks to capture the needs and wants of the Charlton community when it comes to future community transport options,” she said. The theme of the consultations will be “imagine” and Charlton residents are being asked to imagine the following:
There is also a survey that residents are being asked to complete which is available in hard copy through the Neighbourhood House or online at … For more information about the Community Transport project contact the Charlton Neighbourhood House on 0473 759 456. |
October 2024